About Addis Powerhouse

Addis Powerhouse (APH) is a young women-led feminist knowledge production platform based in Ethiopia and registered as a Private Limited Company (PLC) under Commercial Registration and Business License Proc. No 980/2016. Our feminist collective conducts gender research, leads women’s rights advocacy projects and employs evidence-based activism to positively affect young women’s inclusion in socioeconomic and political decision making spaces in Ethiopia. Since its inception 3 years ago, APH has been actively working to amplify youth voices, uplift feminist activists, and engage the community in its advocacy efforts. Our monthly digital feminist newsletter discusses different women’s issues and provides a gendered understanding of several topics by engaging the Ethiopian youth in conversations that question and break the patriarchal norms in the country. We also implement physical projects to reach communities that do not have access to internet or telecommunication infrastructures. 

Our Mission

To produce feminist knowledge and create a participatory space for the Ethiopian youth to learn about and contribute meaningfully to the achievement of gender equality in Ethiopia.

Our Vision

Creating an intellectual, diverse and inclusive feminist space that nurtures and binds knowledge creation and gender equality for the optimal empowerment of young women. 

Our Feminism

We value the inclusion, representation and meaningful participation of all women.


Influencing, advocacy and campaigning: We collaboratively leverage our access, power, resources and relationships to strategically influence policy and practice. We aim to advance feminist agendas through our work with policy makers, funders and activists in national and regional spaces. We also work to influence feminist and women’s rights movements to center historically oppressed movements as part of efforts to strengthen our collective power and influence.

Feminist research and knowledge production: We work to facilitate a digital learning and creating platform for young people to access gender data, gain relevant and context specific gender equality knowledge, and co-create new feminist realities through inclusive methodologies such as participatory action research.

Solidarity and movement-building: We work to mobilize our members and the movements we support to strengthen collective action in solidarity with feminist causes and defenders at risk. We build partnerships, engage in active listening and ongoing, long-term, solidarity. We work with defenders to build a body of knowledge and support networks of solidarity on protection and well being.

Arts and creative expression: We recognize the unique and strategic value of cultural and creative strategies in the struggle against oppression and injustice. We work with artists who center feminist voices and the narratives of historically oppressed communities. In this emerging tactic, we see art and creative expression helping us envision a world where feminist realities continue to flourish and be celebrated.